Unlock project success with game-changing site insights.

Switch to Gather’s construction record management system. Never let your project slip out of control.

Trusted by high-performing teams

Stay informed and ahead with real-time site data. Eliminate guesswork in reporting. Inform and control Cost to Complete and Anticipated Final Cost using Gather's project dashboard.

See it in action

Learn how easy it can be to schedule shifts with Gather

Transform project outcomes with consistent, quality site insights

Consistent, accurate, structured, digital site records.
Simple, fast, data-based cost reporting
Total clarity over project progress, costs and potential risks
Data-based communications with all stakeholders
All changes substantiated with detailed, consistent data
With Gather’s RMS
Consistent, accurate, structured, digital site records.
Simple, fast, data-based cost reporting
Total clarity over project progress, costs and potential risks
Data-based communications with all stakeholders
All changes substantiated with detailed, consistent data
Traditional methods

Circet Cuts Costs by 11% Using Gather on TfL 4LM Cable Installation Project

“No more endless forms to fill in. No more staying behind at the end of each night shift. No more constant clarification queries throughout the following morning.”

Nick Mansell
Senior Project Manager at Circet UK

Costain Strives towards Real-time Commercial Assurance on A12 Upgrades with Gather

“Gather has been an absolute game-changer. Now we can understand the true cost of works completed across the project areas, as well as works undertaken by our subcontractors beyond the agreed scope. "

Colin Tweed
Commercial Manager at Costain

Cubby Construction Scales up Family Business with Gather Site Inisghts

"We anticipate Gather will become our key provider of operational data. It's been a journey of discovering the power of data you can rearrange, interrogate, and use to make decisions. We've just scratched the surface.”

Tommy Cubby
Director of Cubby Construction

Your questions, answered.

What insights does Gather provide?

Using the construction site records that you captured, Gather provides four kinds of insight:

  • Resource: labour, plant, cost, etc.
  • Productivity: planned vs actual, performance of each shift, progress photos, etc.
  • Health, safety and environment (HSE): fatigue analysis, near misses, protected species, etc.
  • Infrastructure access: timeliness of access to site

Discover how our reporting features can boost your project clarity and control. You can also take a guided tour of our platform to see for yourself. <Need links here>

How does Gather help me control costs?

Gather helps you control costs in three ways: immediate, ongoing and preventative.

Immediate cashable savings: Our calculator shows the quick return on investment when you switch from paper to our digital platform.

Real-time profitability insights: Site activity data shows you where and why actual productivity might be lagging, helping you manage project resources better.

Dispute mitigation: Gather enables daily analysis that used to take weeks. This helps your team quickly raise and communicate early warnings to clients and stakeholders. Sharing timely, data-based information openly is one of the best ways to avoid disputes and mitigate the cost of claims and disputes.

How does Gather help me subtantiate change?

Detailed, accurate site records are essential to substantiating change. Gather's construction record management system makes record-keeping easier with its structured workflow. The site team can log all activities while on site using their mobile devices. The standardised six-step workflow ensures that all shift records created are consistent, accurate and complete.

With all activities and variances logged, you can recall and analyse records with just a few clicks. This helps you substantiate change with objective, detailed site records captured with Gather. It will drastically reduce the time you spend on this task from weeks to minutes.

Why should I choose Gather over competitors?

Built by practitioners for practitioners, Gather is a specialist solution for a fundamental problem in UK construction — site records. Gather beats traditional paper and spreadsheet-based site diaries for consistency and accuracy. Site operatives can capture data in a structured workflow anytime, anywhere, eliminating wasteful manual data entry and reconciliation.

With an eight-year proven track record, you can set up Gather in hours. This saves you time and reduces risks compared to building your own forms on generalist software like Procore or Salesforce.

Gather is the best-in-class site records management solution with built-in expertise. Whether you're using NEC, JCT or FIDIC, our platform guides you through common contract forms during planning, data collection and project closeout. Our ability to compare planned versus actual output and allocate people, plant and equipment resources to preconfigured work activities puts us ahead of other competitors, whose products rarely go beyond form builders.

How much does Gather cost?

Our pricing is based on the value of works Gather’s RMS will manage for you, not the number of users.

Below are indicative pricing packages. Please note: Final fees may vary based on project number, estimated user numbers, disciplines involved, and supply chain integration.

For projects up to £10 million/year
Annual subscription: £12,000
Setup and configuration: £2,000
Training: £1,400/day (in-person) or £450/session (online)

For projects £10-50 million/year
Annual subscription: £40,000
Setup and configuration: £7,000
Training: £1,400/day (in-person) or £450/session (online)

For projects over £100 million/year
Annual subscription: £70,000+
Setup and configuration: £12,000
Training: £1,400/day (in-person) or £450/session (online)

Need a custom quote? Speak with our team for a tailored solution.

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