What would you do with an extra hour per day

January 28, 2021
Read this article to discover how you can use your time more efficiently and effectively to achieve your goals and improve your overall well-being.

What would you do with an extra hour per day?

When clocks go back an hour in autumn, or forward in spring, we lose or gain an hour in bed. Time may no longer have the precious state it once had due to the global pandemic of 2020 and 2021, but for many key workers, like those in the rail maintenance and construction industry, time matters.

If you’re currently working from home and reading this, or commuting, would you like an extra 60 minutes in your day?What would you do with that time?


Surf online?


Spend more time with your children? Friends? Family?

Video call friends?

Hang out on Clubhouse or social media?

Our point at Raildiary is that time, even in these strange months, weeks and days, is still something we all usually crave more of.

At the risk of being labelled with the pejorative term, influencer, we do have other suggestions for spending an hour wisely. We’re not preaching at all - we all need down time we know, but how about these ten suggestions from our team.

1. Plan a week’s worth of food and source the ingredients so when you’re pushed for time, you’re still eating well.

2. Study - you don’t have to learn a new language or learn to play the ukulele, but learning is great for the mind.

3. Go for a walk outside for an hour or on a treadmill.

4. Head out on a bike for an hour.

5. Organise your work space.

6. Weed your garden.

7. Go outside and take photographs of nature.

8. Write a blog post.

9. Catch up on accounts and emails.

10.   Take a yoga class.

Time is the key for all things, Source: Guided Mind

Now obviously, this 60 minute wish list is not feasible for everyone - particularly in lockdown.

But what we’re saying is that time is not infinite; it’s finite. We only have 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year to live and work.

Raildiary though can create an extra hour for you and your team - not by fiddling with time zones but through the adoption of the practices enshrined in the Raildiary app.

Our app is sector-specific, it allows for online and offline project data capture. It generates precise reports in a secure way and it saves you time.

Lots of it.

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” Bruce Lee

Using mobile entry on our app will save you up to one hour each day, leaving you and your team more time to do what they love.

Want to save an hour tomorrow and the day after?

Get in touch, from wherever you are in the world.

And start planning for that extra hour.

What would you do with an extra hour per day

Oliver Donohue

Snr Account Manager

Snr Account Manager

Raildiary LinkedIn
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